HTC has announced a desire Z, a power of Android phone with a full QWERTY keyboard. The desire seems to Z G2 smartphone T-Mobile, and has similar hardware specifications. It has to offer a 800 MHz processor from Qualcomm 7230, which supposedly better battery life, a 5-megapixel camera with 720p HD video recording and a large touch screen. HTC has included starting the Quick Start technology, which the unit is on the home screen in 10 seconds means.
Manage ZI with a new service that allows users to their mobile phone from HTC with a computer work. You can enable a missing phone a function of the ring away, and the flag of their location on a map. Users can also remotely a telephone and text and bar calls to another number. There is also a function that allows users individually scenes are weak, the sounds, plugins and much more. Z wish was to be sold this year by mobile operators in Europe and Asia starting in October and land in North America. Price of the phone is yet to be announced.
HTC Desire Z Mobile Features:
3.7 inches of TFT touchscreen
QWERTY keypad
Android 2.1 Operating System
480 x 800 pixel of screen resolution
Bluetooth 2.1
1Ghz processor
3G Connectivity
Built in GPS
3.5mm headphone jack
32GB of expandable memory slot
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